
How to add signature to every email in outlook 2010
How to add signature to every email in outlook 2010

how to add signature to every email in outlook 2010

Type your message and then select Signatures > Footer. If you've created a signature but didn't choose to automatically add it to all outgoing messages, you can add it later when you write an email message.

how to add signature to every email in outlook 2010

Manually add your signature to a new message Now add the URL you took from Google Maps, and click OK.Note: You can always return to the Signatures page and remove these selections to not automatically include your signature.

how to add signature to every email in outlook 2010

Select the address in your Outlook signature and click the link icon like before.To add a clickable local address – find your business on Google Maps and hit the “Directions” button > then copy the URL from the address box.You can set it up so that when clicked on, it brings up Google Maps navigation. If you run a brick-and-mortar business you can also gain from making your address clickable. Instead of adding a URL, like before, I entered the phone number with the prefix “tel:”, like this – “tel:1-800-800-800”.

how to add signature to every email in outlook 2010

In the example image I made the telephone number clickable by adding a special kind of hyperlink.

  • Now enter the URL you want the text to link to, and hit OK.
  • Then click the link icon on the right-hand side of the tool strip.
  • To add a hyperlink to your Outlook signature, select any text with your cursor(when text is selected it should have a grey background).
  • Use only 1 font for your entire signature, otherwise, it will look messy.
  • Set your name in Bold and your job title in Regular, to give slightly more importance to your name.
  • Use 1 font size for your contact details (12-14px is good), and use 1 bigger font size for your name and job title (2-3px greater than the text for your contact details).
  • Choose 1 color (preferably one of the colors you use for your brand).
  • To change font type – select any text and click the Font type dropdown, try some options till you find your fit.
  • To change the text size – select the text then click the Font Size dropdown menu and try different sizes till you feel you’ve reached the best balance.
  • To change the color of any text in your signature, all you need to do is select it with your cursor and click the Color dropdown menu > then pick your color, or click More colors (at the bottom of the panel) to choose a custom color.
  • You can edit your Outlook signature to make it look more organized and give it a clear visual hierarchy, by setting different colors and font sizes for the most important information.

    How to add signature to every email in outlook 2010