REMEMBER: This doesn’t share all your collection - only that one you clicked on. Click on “Shared” at the top and you see that Web address that appears below it? That’s the address you’re going to share with your client, so copy and paste that address and email, text, etc. In the list of Collections on the left side of the screen, click on that one collection you want to share, then click the Share button at the top left of the thumbnail grid. That brings up the Share dialog you see above. You’ll see a list of all your sync’d collections on the left side, but don’t worry - we’re not going to share all these collections with your client - ONLY the one single collection you choose to share with them - the one with their proofs. STEP TWO: Now, in your Web browser go to to go to Lightroom Web, and log-in with your Adobe ID. STEP ONE: Go to Lightroom on your computer choose the collection of images you want to make available to your client for proofing (they can the images they want retouched, pick final images, etc.), and sync that collection to Lightroom Mobile (even though we’re NOT going to use a mobile device in this process at all, you still have to turn on Sync (as shown here).

Anyway, today I wanted to do a post on how to use Lightroom Web for doing online client proofing. If you are younger than 16 or booking for someone under 16 years of age, please contact us first and we will be happy to advise you.Hi gang – and greetings from New York City (I’m doing a shoot this morning at the New York Public Library before they open to the public – a shoot for my book “The Great Indoors.”).

If you cancel your workshop a minimum of 7 days in advance of your workshop, you will be issued a 90% refund or may be rescheduled to another date(s).What if I have to cancel or can't attend on the day? We get it.